Friday, September 16, 2011

Taylor, Polamalu Each Fined $15,000 For Unnecessary Roughness

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The NFL are cracking down even harder on the Steelers this year and it's shown right out of the shoot. Ike Taylor and Troy Polamalu were fined for events that happened last week.

Troy Polamalu's Situation:

Now Troy Polamalu, in my opinion shouldn't of been fined, Ray Rice was pushing and shoving him after the play and what he was doing was trying to rip the ball out while Rice wasn't down, then Ray Rice acted unnecessarly after the play taking Polamalu down.

There was no flag for the Ravens but there was one on Steelers Cornerback, Ike Taylor, which I understood.

Ike Taylor's Situation:

Ike deserved this flag and the fine. He did a little bit of unnecessary contact after the play, late in the third quarter even though throughout the game the Baltimore Ravens were tripping officials, doing helmet-to-helmet contact with Ben Roethlisberger and not getting flagged and doing such unnecessary contact. 

So, to break it down, Ike should of been the only one who should of been fined. This is just proof that the NFL is targeting the Pittsburgh Steelers. 

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